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Articles of Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2006
[-]Social practices of computer-supported collaborative learning
Gerry Stahl, Friedrich Hesse
Ever since Lave & Wenger’s paradigm-shaking book on Situated Learning (1991), discussions about how people learn have included considerations of how participation in communities-of-practice and in ... [full article]
Stahl, G. & Hesse, F. (2006) Social practices of computer-supported collaborative learning. ijcscl 1 (4) [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]From dialogue to monologue and back: Middle spaces in computer-mediated learning
Noel Enyedy, Christopher M. Hoadley
The authors develop a framework for the design of tools to mediate collaboration intended to lead to learning. We identify two categories of media that are common in computer-supported collaborative ... [full abstract]
Dialogue, Monologue, Information media, Communication media
Enyedy, N. & Hoadley, C. M. (2006) From dialogue to monologue and back: Middle spaces in computer-mediated learning. ijcscl 1 (4) [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Knowledge building in mathematics: Supporting collaborative learning in pattern problems
Joan Moss, Ruth Beatty
While it has been suggested that patterning activities support early algebra learning, it is widely acknowledged that the shift from perceiving patterns to understanding algebraic functions -- and ... [full abstract]
Early algebra, Collaborative mathematical discourse, Patterns and generalizing problems, Knowledge building, Knowledge forum, Epistemic agency
Moss, J. & Beatty, R. (2006) Knowledge building in mathematics: Supporting collaborative learning in pattern problems. ijcscl 1 (4) [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Electronic [re]constitution of groups: Group dynamics from face-to-face to an online setting
Lynn Clouder, Jayne Dalley, Julian Hargreaves, Sally Parkes, Julie Sellars, Jane Toms
The authors work as online tutors for a BSc (Hons) physiotherapy programme at Coventry University in the United Kingdom. This paper represents a stage in our developing understanding, over a 3 year ... [full abstract]
Group dynamics, Online discussion forums, Blended learning
Clouder, L., Dalley, J., Hargreaves, J., Parkes, S., Sellars, J., Toms, T. (2006) Electronic [re]constitution of groups: Group dynamics from face-to-face to an online setting. ijcscl 1 (4) [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Consistent practices in artifact-mediated collaboration
Nathan Dwyer, Daniel D. Suthers
The design of collaborative representations faces a challenge in integrating theoretical communication models with the context-sensitive and creative practices of human interaction. This paper ... [full abstract]
Descriptive studies, Interactional practices, Representational affordances, Shared workspaces, Video analysis
Dwyer, N. & Suthers, D. D. (2006) Consistent practices in artifact-mediated collaboration. ijcscl 1 (4) [] including a link to the official electronic version.
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