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Article of Volume 8, Issue 4, December 2013

Real-time mutual gaze perception enhances collaborative learning and collaboration quality

Authors: Bertrand Schneider, Roy Pea

Abstract: In this paper we present the results of an eye-tracking study on collaborative problem-solving dyads. Dyads remotely collaborated to learn from contrasting cases involving basic concepts about how the human brain processes visual information. In one condition, dyads saw the eye gazes of their partner on the screen; in a control group, they did not have access to this information. Results indicated that this real-time mutual gaze perception intervention helped students achieve a higher quality of collaboration and a higher learning gain. Implications for supporting group collaboration are discussed.

Keywords: Collaborative learning, Awareness tool, Eye-tracking

Citation: Schneider, B. & Pea, R. (2013) Real-time mutual gaze perception enhances collaborative learning and collaboration quality. ijcscl 8 (4), pp. 375-397

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-013-9181-4

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF schneider_pea_8_4.pdf

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