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Articles of Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2014
[-]Analyzing the multidimensional construction of knowledge in diverse contexts
Gerry Stahl, Ulrike Cress, Nancy Law, Sten Ludvigsen
This year’s International Conference of the Learning Sciences will feature the theme of “practices encompassing the range of contexts and processes in which people learn.” In this first issue ... [full article]
Stahl, G., Cress, U., Law, N., & Ludvigsen, S. (2014) Analyzing the multidimensional construction of knowledge in diverse contexts. ijcscl 9 (1), pp. 1-6
stahl_cress_law_ludvigsen_9_1.pdf [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article atSue Timmis
This article explores conceptual and methodological challenges in researching sustainable computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) within authentic educational settings. It argues that to ... [full abstract]
Cultural Historical Activity Theory, Sustainability, Dialectics, Discourse, Knowledge creation, Community, Methodology
Timmis, S. (2014) The dialectical potential of Cultural Historical Activity Theory for researching sustainable CSCL practices. ijcscl 9 (1), pp. 7-32 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Multi-player epistemic games: Guiding the enactment of classroom knowledge-building communities
Katerine Bielaczyc, John Ow
Teachers and students face many challenges in shifting from traditional classroom cultures to enacting the Knowledge-Building Communities model (KBC model) supported by the CSCL environment, ... [full abstract]
Knowledge building communities, Epistemic games, Design research, Implementation paths
Bielaczyc, K. & Ow, J. (2014) Multi-player epistemic games: Guiding the enactment of classroom knowledge-building communities. ijcscl 9 (1), pp. 33-62 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Fostering collective and individual learning through knowledge building
Ke Zhao, Carol K. K. Chan
The purpose of this study was to design and examine a computer-supported knowledge-building environment and to investigate both collective knowledge-building dynamics and individual learning in the ... [full abstract]
Collaborative knowledge building, Computer-supported inquiry, Academic literacy, Technology-enhanced learning environment, Higher education
Zhao, K. & Chan, C. K. K. (2014) Fostering collective and individual learning through knowledge building. ijcscl 9 (1), pp. 63-95 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article atIassen Halatchliyski, Johannes Moskaliuk, Joachim Kimmerle, Ulrike Cress
This article discusses the relevance of large-scale mass collaboration for computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) research, adhering to a theoretical perspective that views collective ... [full abstract]
Artifact, Mass collaboration, Network analysis, Wikipedia
Halatchliyski, I., Moskaliuk, J., Kimmerle, J., & Cress, U. (2014) Explaining authors’ contribution to pivotal artifacts during mass collaboration in the Wikipedia’s knowledge base. ijcscl 9 (1), pp. 97-115
halatchliyski_moskaliuk_kimmerle_cress_9_1.pdf [] including a link to the official electronic version.
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