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Articles of Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2011
Gerry Stahl, Friedrich W. Hesse, Nancy Law
Word of the CSCL 2011 conference in Hong Kong spread around the world instantaneously, thanks to computer support of this intensive community collaborative learning effort. Tweets, blogs, Facebook ... [full article]
Stahl, G., Hesse, F. W., & Law, N. (2011) Tweets from #cscl2011. ijcscl 6 (3), pp. 323-327 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Student use of Facebook for organizing collaborative classroom activities
Cliff Lampe, Donghee Yvette Wohn, Jessica Vitak, Nicole B. Ellison, Rick Wash
Social network sites such as Facebook are often conceived of as purely social spaces; however, as these sites have evolved, so have the ways in which students are using them. In this study, we ... [full abstract]
Bricolage, Classroom, Computer-supported collaborative learning, Facebook, Sensemaking, Social network sites
Lampe, C., Wohn, D. Y., Vitak, J., Ellison, N. B., & Wash, R. (2011) Student use of Facebook for organizing collaborative classroom activities. ijcscl 6 (3), pp. 329-347
lampe_wohn_vitak_ellison_wash_6_3.pdf [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Identity presence and knowledge building: Joint emergence in online learning environments?
Fengfeng Ke, Alicia F. Chávez, Pei-Ni L. Causarano, Antonio Causarano
This study examined the presence of identity in diverse online courses and explored how presence of identity correlated with content and students’ participation in online discussion and hence ... [full abstract]
Identity presence, Online knowledge building, Online discourse analysis
Fe, F., Chavez, A. F., Causarano, P.-N. L., & Causarano, A. (2011) Identity presence and knowledge building: Joint emergence in online learning environments?. ijcscl 6 (3), pp. 349-370
ke_chavez_causarano_causarano_6_3.pdf [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Agent-based dynamic support for learning from collaborative brainstorming in scientific inquiry
Hao-Chuan Wang, Carolyn P. Rosé, Chun-Yen Chang
This paper seeks to contribute new insight to the process of learning during idea generation (i.e., brainstorming) by proposing and evaluating two alternative operationalizations for learning, which ... [full abstract]
Collaborative idea generation, Collaborative process analysis, Dynamic collaboration support
Wang, H.-C., Rose, C. P., & Chang, C.-Y. (2011) Agent-based dynamic support for learning from collaborative brainstorming in scientific inquiry. ijcscl 6 (3), pp. 371-395 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Scaffolding collaborative technical writing with procedural facilitation and synchronous discussion
Shiou-Wen Yeh, Jia-Jiunn Lo, Jeng-Jia Huang
With the advent of computer technology, researchers and instructors are attempting to devise computer support for effective collaborative technical writing. In this study, a computer-supported ... [full abstract]
Collaborative technical writing, Process writing, Synchronous online discussions, Computer-supported writing
Yeh, S.-W., Lo, J.-J., & Huang, J.-J. (2011) Scaffolding collaborative technical writing with procedural facilitation and synchronous discussion. ijcscl 6 (3), pp. 397-419 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article atNikol Rummel, Dejana Mullins, Hans Spada
While some studies found positive effects of collaboration on student learning in mathematics, others found none or even negative effects. This study evaluates whether the varying impact of ... [full abstract]
Computer-supported collaborative learning, Learning in mathematics, Procedural and conceptual knowledge acquisition, Tutored problem-solving
Mullins, D., Rummel, N., & Spada, H. (2011) Are two heads always better than one? Differential effects of collaboration on students’ computer-supported learning in mathematics. ijcscl 6 (3), pp. 421-443 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Analyzing temporal patterns of knowledge construction in a role-based online discussion
Alyssa Friend Wise, Ming Ming Chiu
This paper introduces an approach to analyzing temporal patterns of knowledge construction (KC) in online discussions, including consequences of role assignments. The paper illustrates the power of ... [full abstract]
Quantitative analysis of CSCL, Temporal analysis, Multilevel modeling, Content analysis, Computer mediated communication, Asynchronous discussion groups, Scripting, Role taking
Wise, A. F. & Chiu, M. M. (2011) Analyzing temporal patterns of knowledge construction in a role-based online discussion. ijcscl 6 (3), pp. 445-470 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]The impact of scripted roles on online collaborative learning processes
Francesca Pozzi
This paper illustrates the experience gained within an online course, where a collaborative technique, namely Role Play, was used within an asynchronous text-based environment to trigger ... [full abstract]
CSCL, Collaborative technique, Role play, Scripted roles, Evaluation
Pozzi, F. (2011) The impact of scripted roles on online collaborative learning processes. ijcscl 6 (3), pp. 471-484 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
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