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Articles of Volume 16, Issue 2, June 2021
[-]Forms of collaboration matters: CSCL across the contexts
Sanna Järvelä, Carolyn Rosé
The field of CSCL has provided ample empirical evidence for principles underlying effective design and use of CSCL technologies, such as scripts and prompts, which provide ways of supporting ... [full article]
Järvelä, S. & C. Rosé (2021) Forms of collaboration matters: CSCL across the contexts. ijcscl 16 (2), pp. 145-149 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article atJulia Eberle, Karsten Stegmann, Alain Barrat, Frank Fischer, Kristine Lund
Collaborations are essential in research, especially in answering increasingly complex questions that require integrating knowledge from different disciplines and that engage multiple stakeholders. ... [full abstract]
Scientific community, Group awareness, Collaboration, Selection patterns
Eberle, J., Stegmann, K., Barrat, A., Fischer, F. & Lund, K. (2021) Initiating scientific collaborations across career levels and disciplines – a network analysis on behavioral data. ijcscl 16 (2), pp. 151-184 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Net.Create: Network Visualization to Support Collaborative Historical Knowledge Building
Kalani Craig, Joshua Danish, Megan Humburg, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Maksymilian Szostalo, Ann McCranie
Students across disciplines struggle with sensemaking when they are faced with the need to understand and analyze massive amounts of information. This is particularly salient in the disciplines of ... [full abstract]
History education, Network analysis, Activity theory, Knowledge building, Representational practices
Craig, K., Danish, J., Humburg, M., C. Hmelo-Silver, M. Szostalo & McCranie, A. (2021) Net.Create: Network Visualization to Support Collaborative Historical Knowledge Building. ijcscl 16 (2), pp. 185-223 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article atLisa Ollesch, Sven Heimbuch, Daniel Bodemer
Group awareness (GA) tools can facilitate learning processes and outcomes by visualizing different social attributes, such as cognitive and behavioral information about group members. To assist ... [full abstract]
Computer support, Group awareness, Wikis, Eye-tracking
Ollesch, L., Heimbuch, S. & Bodemer, D. (2021) Improving learning and writing outcomes: Influence of cognitive and behavioral group awareness tools in wikis. ijcscl 16 (2), pp. 225-259 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article atTarja Pietarinen, Tuire Palonen, Marja Vauras
Technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry learning has gained a firm position in curricula across disciplines and educational settings and has become particularly pervasive in science classrooms. ... [full abstract]
Teacher support, Small group collaboration, Science inquiry, Technology, Affect, Social network analysis
Pietarinen, T., Palonen, T. & Vauras, M. (2021) Guidance in computer-supported collaborative inquiry learning: Capturing aspects of affect and teacher support in science classrooms. ijcscl 16 (2), pp. 261-287 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
this article at[-]Social sensitivity: a manifesto for CSCL research
Jaana Isohätälä, Piia Näykki, Sanna Järvelä, Michael J. Baker, Kristine Lund
Technologies for computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) are playing an increasingly prominent role in educational contexts, especially as teachers and students strive to deal with ... [full abstract]
Social sensitivity, Collaborative learning, Emerging technologies, Educational technology
Isohätälä, J., Näykki, P., Järvelä, S., Baker, M. J. & Lund, K. (2021) Social sensitivity: a manifesto for CSCL research. ijcscl 16 (2), pp. 289-299 [] including a link to the official electronic version.
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