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Articles of Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2019

[-]Highlighting tools and technologies for collaborative learning

Authors: Carolyn P. Rosé, Nancy Law, Ulrike Cress, Sten Ludvigsen

Introduction: A common thread that runs throughout the four articles of this March 2019 issue is a highlight of tools and technologies. Prior work characterizing a spectrum of technologies relevant for the field ...  [full article]

Citation: Rosé, C.P., Law, N., Cress, U. et al. (2019) Highlighting tools and technologies for collaborative learning. ijcscl 14 (1), pp. 1-6

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-019-09297-z

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[-]Providing different types of group awareness information to guide collaborative learning

Authors: Lenka Schnaubert, Daniel Bodemer

Abstract: Cognitive group awareness tools are a means to guide collaborative learning activities by providing knowledge-related information to the learners. While positive effects of such tools are firmly ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Computer-supported collaborative learning, Group awareness, Guidance, Metacognition, Self-regulated learning

Citation: Schnaubert, L., Bodemer, D. (2019) Providing different types of group awareness information to guide collaborative learning. ijcscl 14 (1), pp. 7-51

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-018-9293-y

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[-]Improving the quality of vocational students’ collaboration and knowledge acquisition through instruction and joint reflection

Authors: Elise H. Eshuis, Judith ter Vrugte, Anjo Anjewierden, Lars Bollen, Jakob Sikken, Ton de Jong

Abstract: New societal demands call for schools to train students’ collaboration skills. However, research thus far has focused mainly on promoting collaboration to facilitate knowledge acquisition and has ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Collaborative learning, Collaboration instruction, Collaboration reflection tool, Inquiry learning

Citation: Eshuis, E.H., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, A. et al. (2019) Improving the quality of vocational students’ collaboration and knowledge acquisition through instruction and joint reflection. ijcscl 14 (1), pp. 53-76

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-019-09296-0

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF eshuis_vrugte_anjewierden_bollen_sikken_jong_14_1.pdf

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[-]Instrumental genesis in the design studio

Authors: Lucila Carvalho, Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Peter Goodyear

Abstract: The theory of Instrumental Genesis (IG) accounts for the mutual evolution of artefacts and their uses, for specific purposes in specific environments. IG has been used in Computer-Supported ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Collaborative design, Design for CSCL, Design research, Educational design, Instrumental genesis, Mediated action

Citation: Carvalho, L., Martinez-Maldonado, R. & Goodyear, P. (2019) Instrumental genesis in the design studio. ijcscl 14 (1), pp. 77-107

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-019-09294-2

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF carvalho_martinez-maldonado_goodyear_14_1.pdf

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[-]Imagining with improvised representations in CSCL environments

Authors: Rolf Steier, Magdalena Kersting, Kenneth Silseth

Abstract: This study contributes to our understanding of meaning making in CSCL environments by examining a specific aspect of collaborative problem solving in which students improvise, introduce, and make ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Imagination, Representation, Embodied interaction, Maps, Computer-supported collaborative learning, Multimodality

Citation: Steier, R., Kersting, M. & Silseth, K. (2019) Imagining with improvised representations in CSCL environments. ijcscl 14 (1), pp. 109-136

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-019-09295-1

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF steier_kersting_silseth_14_1.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.