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Articles of Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2017

[-]Fostering targeted group practices as a Core focus for CSCL task and technology design

Authors: Nancy Law, Sten Ludvigsen, Ulrike Cress, Carolyn P. Rosé

Introduction: With increasing diversity in learning contexts and technologies involved when CSCL is adopted, we observe not only different foci and goals being pursued, but also diversity in what counts as social ...  [full article]

Citation: Law, N., Ludvigsen, S., Cress, U., & Rosé, C. P. (2017) Fostering targeted group practices as a Core focus for CSCL task and technology design. ijcscl 12 (1), pp. 1-7

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9253-y

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[-]A more reflective form of joint problem solving

Authors: Richard Alterman, Kendall Harsch

Abstract: This paper explores the emergence of joint problem solving in online environments where the participants work together but at different times and from different places. Collaborations of this sort ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Different time and place collaboration, Joint problem solving, Loosely coupled collaboration, Venue

Citation: Alterman, R. & Harsch, K. (2017) A more reflective form of joint problem solving. ijcscl 12 (1), pp. 9-33

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9250-1

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[-]DCLM framework: understanding collaboration in open-ended tabletop learning environments

Authors: Mike Tissenbaum, Matthew Berland, Leilah Lyons

Abstract: There is a growing understanding of the unique ways that tabletops support effective collaboration; however, this research mostly focuses on environments in which learners work towards a single ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Interactive tabletops, Collaboration, Museums, Informal learning environments

Citation: Tissenbaum, M., Berland, M., & Lyons, L. (2017) DCLM framework: understanding collaboration in open-ended tabletop learning environments. ijcscl 12 (1), pp. 35-64

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9249-7

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[-]“This is the size of one meter”: Children’s bodily-material collaboration

Authors: Jacob Davidsen, Thomas Ryberg

Abstract: In CSCL studies, language is often foregrounded as the primary resource for engaging in collaborative learning, while the body is more often positioned as a secondary resource. There is, however, a ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Bodily-material resources for learning, Embodied meaning-making practices, Touchscreens, Video analysis, Concept of scale, Embodied interaction , Knowledge building

Citation: Davidsen, J. & Ryberg, T. (2017) “This is the size of one meter”: Children’s bodily-material collaboration. ijcscl 12 (1), pp. 65-90

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9248-8

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[-]Experiences, appearances, and interprofessional training: The instructional use of video in post-simulation debriefings

Authors: Elin Johansson, Oskar Lindwall, Hans Rystedt

Abstract: Through close analyses of the interaction that takes place between students and facilitators, this study investigates the instructional use of video in post-simulation debriefings. The empirical ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Simulation-based training, Video feedback, Collaborative learning, Instructional questions, Conversation analysis, Ethnomethodology

Citation: Johansson, E., Lindwall, O., & Rystedt, H. (2017) Experiences, appearances, and interprofessional training: The instructional use of video in post-simulation debriefings. ijcscl 12 (1), pp. 91-112

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9252-z

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[-]Group practices: a new way of viewing CSCL

Author: Gerry Stahl

Abstract: The analysis of group practices can make visible the work of novices learning how to inquire in science or mathematics. These ubiquitous practices are invisibly taken for granted by adults, but can ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Group practices, CSCL theory, CSCL methodology, Design-based research

Citation: Stahl, S. (2017) Group practices: a new way of viewing CSCL. ijcscl 12 (1), pp. 113-126

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9251-0

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF stahl_12_1.pdf

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