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Articles of Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2015

[-]Collaboration and the formation of new knowledge artifacts

Authors: Sten Ludvigsen, Gerry Stahl, Nancy Law, Ulrike Cress

Introduction: To learn in our knowledge-oriented society often involves a deep engagement with knowledge artifacts—objects that combine material and semiotic aspects. This is particularly true in CSCL contexts. ...  [full article]

Citation: Ludvigsen, S., Stahl, G., Law, N., & Cress, U. (2015) Collaboration and the formation of new knowledge artifacts. ijcscl 10 (1), pp. 1-6

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-015-9211-5

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[-]Constructing liminal blends in a collaborative augmented-reality learning environmen

Authors: Noel Enyedy, Joshua A. Danish, David DeLiema

Abstract: In vision-based augmented-reality (AR) environments, users view the physical world through a video feed or device that augments the display with a graphical or informational overlay. Our goal in ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Physics education, Elementary education, Play, Video analysis, Conceptual blends

Citation: Enyedy, N., Danish, J. A., & DeLiema, D. (2015) Constructing liminal blends in a collaborative augmented-reality learning environmen. ijcscl 10 (1), pp. 7-34

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-015-9207-1

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF enyedy_danish_deliema_10_1.pdf

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[-]The new information literate: Open collaboration and information production in schools

Author: Andrea Forte

Abstract: Widespread participation in collaborative writing and public discourse on blogs, news sites, Wikipedia and other online information sources is creating a new class of information literacy skills. In ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Open collaboration, Credibility assessment, Knowledge building, Wikis

Citation: Forte, A. (2015) The new information literate: Open collaboration and information production in schools. ijcscl 10 (1), pp. 35-51

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-015-9210-6

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF forte_10_1.pdf

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[-]“Whoa! We’re going deep in the trees!”: Patterns of collaboration around an interactive information visualization exhibit

Authors: Pryce Davis, Michael Horn, Florian Block, Brenda Phillips, E. Margaret Evans, Judy Diamond, Chia Shen

Abstract: In this paper we present a qualitative analysis of natural history museum visitor interaction around a multi-touch tabletop exhibit called DeepTree that we designed around concepts of evolution and ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Learning, Collaboration, Evolution, Interactive tabletops, Information visualization

Citation: Davis, P., Horn, M., Block, F., Phillips, B., Evan, E. M., Diamond, J., & Shen, C. (2015) “Whoa! We’re going deep in the trees!”: Patterns of collaboration around an interactive information visualization exhibit. ijcscl 10 (1), p

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-015-9209-z

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF davis_horn_block_evans_diamond_shen_10_1.pdf

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[-]Appropriation of a representational tool in a second-language classroom

Authors: Yun Wen, Chee-Kit Looi, Wenli Chen

Abstract: While the affordances of face-to-face and online environments have been studied somewhat extensively, there is relatively less research on how technology-mediated learning takes place across multiple ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Representational tool, Networked classroom learning, CSCL, Computer-supported language learning

Citation: Wen, Y., Looi, C.-K., & Chen, W. (2015) Appropriation of a representational tool in a second-language classroom. ijcscl 10 (1), pp. 77-108

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-015-9208-0

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF wen_looi_chen_10_1.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.