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Articles of Volume 6, Issue 4, December 2011

[-]Collaborating around the tabletop

Author: Gerry Stahl

Introduction: In romantic visions of yesteryear, the idyllic nuclear family gathered around the kitchen table to share a bountiful dinner meal or the extended family came together around the dining-room table for ...  [full article]

Citation: Stahl, G. (2011) Collaborating around the tabletop. ijcscl 6 (4), pp. 485-490

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-011-9135-7

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[-]Interactive tabletops in education

Authors: Pierre Dillenbourg, Michael Evans

Abstract: Interactive tabletops are gaining increased attention from CSCL researchers. This paper analyses the relation between this technology and teaching and learning processes. At a global level, one could ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: tabletop, tangible, ubiquitous

Citation: Dillenbourg, P. & Evans, M. (2011) Interactive tabletops in education. ijcscl 6 (4), pp. 491-514

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-011-9127-7

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[-]Multi-touch tables and the relationship with collaborative classroom pedagogies: A synthetic review

Authors: Steven E. Higgins, Emma Mercier, Liz Burd, Andrew Hatch

Abstract: This article reviews the research and evidence about multi-touch tables to provide an analysis of their key design features and capabilities and how these might relate to their use in educational ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Cooperative/collaborative learning, Human-computer interaction, Interactive learning environments, Multi-touch tables, Classroom pedagogy

Citation: Higgins, S. E., Mercier, E., Burd, E., & Hatch, A. (2011) Multi-touch tables and the relationship with collaborative classroom pedagogies: A synthetic review. ijcscl 6 (4), pp. 515-538

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-011-9131-y

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[-]Interfering and resolving: How tabletop interaction facilitates co-construction of argumentative knowledge

Authors: Sara Price, Taciana Pontual Falcão

Abstract: Tangible technologies and shared interfaces create new paradigms for mediating collaboration through dynamic, synchronous environments, where action is as important as speech for participating and ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Co-construction of knowledge, Interference, Physical interaction, Shared interfaces, Tangible interfaces

Citation: Falcão, T. P. & Price, S. (2011) Interfering and resolving: How tabletop interaction facilitates co-construction of argumentative knowledge. ijcscl 6 (4), pp. 539-559

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-010-9101-9

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[-]Collaboration within large groups in the classroom

Authors: Miguel Nussbaum, Eyal Szewkis, Tal Rosen, Jose Abalos, Fernanda Denardin, Daniela Caballero, Arturo Tagle, Christian Alcoholado

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to show how a large group of students can work collaboratively in a synchronous way within the classroom using the cheapest possible technological support. Making use of ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Collaborative learning in the classroom, Silent collaboration, Spoken collaboration, Multiple mice, Single display groupware, Multiple classification matrix

Citation: Nussbaum, M., Szewkis, E., Rosen, T., Abalos, J., Denardin, F., Caballero, D., Tagle, A., & Alcoholado, C. (2011) Collaboration within large groups in the classroom. ijcscl 6 (4), pp. 561-575

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-011-9123-y

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[-]Guided reciprocal questioning to support children’s collaborative storytelling

Authors: Shaaron Ainsworth, Giulia Geimini-Hornsby, Claire O’Malley

Abstract: Developing shared understanding is essential to productive collaboration where a product is jointly constructed. This is especially true when the different collaborators’ contributions need to ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Collaborative learning, Storytelling, Scripting, Guided Reciprocal Peer Questioning

Citation: Ainsworth, S., Gelmini-Hornsby, G., & O’Malley, C. (2011) Guided reciprocal questioning to support children’s collaborative storytelling. ijcscl 6 (4), pp. 577-600

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-011-9129-5

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[-]Scaffolding of small groups’ metacognitive activities with an avatar

Authors: Ming Ming Chiu, Inge Molenaar, Peter Sleegers, Carla van Boxtel

Abstract: Metacognitive scaffolding in a computer-supported learning environment can influence students’ metacognitive activities, metacognitive knowledge and domain knowledge. In this study we analyze how ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Scaffolding, Metacognition, Embodied agents, Elementary education

Citation: Molenaar, I., Chiu, M. M., Sleegers, P., & van Boxtel, C. (2011) Scaffolding of small groups’ metacognitive activities with an avatar. ijcscl 6 (4), pp. 601-624

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-011-9130-z

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[-]Building a community among teachers, researchers and university students. A blended approach to training

Authors: Donatella Cesareni, Francesca Martini, Ilaria Mancini

Abstract: In this paper we present a case study about a community of practice’s foundation and development among Italian teachers, researchers and university students who participated in a European project ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Blended learning, CSCL, Community of practice, Participation, Teacher training

Citation: Cesareni, D., Martini, F., & Mancini, I. (2011) Building a community among teachers, researchers and university students. A blended approach to training. ijcscl 6 (4), pp. 625-646

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-011-9126-8

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