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Articles of Volume 9, Issue 3, September 2014

[-]CSCL Artifacts

Authors: Gerry Stahl, Sten Ludvigsen, Nancy Law, Ulrike Cress

Introduction: Artifacts are central to CSCL. In a typical CSCL setting, artifacts can play multiple pivotal roles: • Technological artifacts like web apps can provide communication media that support ...  [full article]

Citation: Stahl, G., Ludvigsen, S., Law, N., & Cress, U. (2014) CSCL Artifacts. ijcscl 9 (3), pp. 237-245

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9200-0

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[-]The multi-layered nature of small-group learning: Productive interactions in object-oriented collaboration

Author: Crina I. Damsa

Abstract: This article presents a study of small-group interaction in the context of collaborative learning in undergraduate education. The student groups participated in collaborative projects, which involved ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Knowledge co-construction, Knowledge objects, Learning in higher education, Productive interaction, Shared epistemic agency, Small-group collaboration

Citation: Damsa, C. I. (2014) The multi-layered nature of small-group learning: Productive interactions in object-oriented collaboration. ijcscl 9 (3), pp. 247-282

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9193-8

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF damsa_9_3.pdf

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[-]How to bring a technical artifact into use: A micro-developmental perspective

Authors: Maarten Overdijk, Wouter van Diggelen, Jerry Andriessen, Paul A. Kirschner

Abstract: In order to understand how technical artifacts are attuned to, interacted with, and shaped in various and varied classrooms, it is necessary to construct detailed accounts of the use of particular ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Appropriation, Enactment, Resistance, Plan construction, Shared workspace

Citation: Overdijk, M., van Diggelen, W., Andriessen, J., & Kirschner, P. A. (2014) How to bring a technical artifact into use: A micro-developmental perspective. ijcscl 9 (3), pp. 283-303

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9195-6

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF overdijk_diggelen_andriessen_kirschner_9_3.pdf

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[-]An examination of CSCL methodological practices and the influence of theoretical frameworks 2005-2009

Authors: Heisawn Jeong, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Yawen Yu

Abstract: The goal of this research is to provide an overview of CSCL methodological practices. CSCL is a vibrant interdisciplinary research field where several different theoretical and methodological ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: CSCL, Research methodology, Content meta-analysis, Research design, Research settings, Data, Analysis methods, Theoretical framework, Multidisciplinary research

Citation: Jeong, H., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., & Yu, Y. (2014) An examination of CSCL methodological practices and the influence of theoretical frameworks 2005-2009. ijcscl 9 (3), pp. 305-334

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9198-3

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF jeong_hmelo-silver_yu_9_3.pdf

Appendix: Acrobat-PDF jeong_hmelo-silver_yu_9_3_appendix.pdf

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[-]Contemporary intellectual structure of CSCL research (2006-2013): A co-citation network analysis with an education focus

Authors: Kai-Yu Tang, Chin-Chung Tsai, Tzu-Chiang Lin

Abstract: This present study endeavors to discover the scholarly communication structure in the CSCL knowledge domain. To explore the intellectual structure of contemporary literature of CSCL research from ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL), Document co-citation analysis (DCA), Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Social network analysis (SNA), Literature review

Citation: Tang, K.-Y., Tsai, C.-C., & Lin, T.-C. (2014) Contemporary intellectual structure of CSCL research (2006-2013): A co-citation network analysis with an education focus. ijcscl 9 (3), pp. 335-363

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9196-5

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF tang_tsai_lin_9_3.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.