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Articles of Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2013

[-]Collaborative learning at CSCL 2013

Authors: Gerry Stahl, Nancy Law, Friedrich Hesse

Introduction: In Madison, Wisconsin, USA, with its Northern European heritage, collaborative learning is fueled by brats and beer. At the international CSCL conference in June, there were many formal and informal ...  [full article]

Citation: Stahl, G., Law, N., & Hesse, F. (2013) Collaborative learning at CSCL 2013. ijcscl 8 (3), pp. 267-269

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-013-9171-6

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[-]Vocational education approach: New TEL settings-new prospects for teachers' instructional activities?

Authors: Raija Hämäläinen, Bram De Wever

Abstract: This study focuses on vocational education teachers’ instructional activities in a new technology-enhanced learning (TEL) setting. A content analysis is applied to investigate teachers’ and ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Vocational education, Teachers’ instructional activities, 3D game, Design-based research

Citation: Hämäläinen, R. & De Wever, B. (2013) Vocational education approach: New TEL settings-new prospects for teachers' instructional activities?. ijcscl 8 (3), pp. 271-291

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-013-9167-2

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[-]Crossing boundaries: Students' framing of language learning activities in Facebook

Authors: Annika Lantz-Andersson, Sylvi Vigmo, Rhonwen Bowen

Abstract: Young people’s interaction online is rapidly increasing, which enables new spaces for communication; the impact on learning, however, is not yet acknowledged in education. The aim of this ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: SNS, Boundary crossing, Extended spaces, Computer-supported collaborative learning, Language-learning activities, Facebook, Framing

Citation: Lantz-Andersson, A., Vigmo, S., & Bowen, R. (2013) Crossing boundaries: Students' framing of language learning activities in Facebook. ijcscl 8 (3), pp. 293-312

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-012-9162-z

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[-]Advancing understanding using Nonaka's model of knowledge creation and problem-based learning

Authors: Meng Yew Tee, Shuh Shing Lee

Abstract: Nonaka’s model of knowledge creation can provide guidance for designing learning environments and activities. However, Bereiter is critical of the model because it does not address whether ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Knowledge creation, Understanding, Problem-based learning

Citation: Tee, M. Y. & Lee, S. S. (2013) Advancing understanding using Nonaka's model of knowledge creation and problem-based learning. ijcscl 8 (3), pp. 313-331

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-013-9168-1

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF tee_lee_8_3.pdf

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[-]Inducing socio-cognitive conflict in Finnish and German groups of online learners by CSCL script

Authors: Armin Weinberger, Miika Marttunen, Leena Laurinen, Karsten Stegmann

Abstract: Collaborative learners are often meant to be guided by collaboration scripts to identify, discuss, and resolve differences of opinion and knowledge. How learners engage in and resolve conflict, ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Socio-cognitive conflict, Collaboration script, Online learning, Finnish, German, Cross-cultural studies, Script theory of guidance

Citation: Weinberger, A., Marttunen, M., Laurinen, L., & Stegmann, K. (2013) Inducing socio-cognitive conflict in Finnish and German groups of online learners by CSCL script. ijcscl 8 (3), pp. 333-349

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-013-9172-5

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[-]Dialogical positions as a method of understanding identity trajectories in a collaborative blended university course

Authors: M. Beatrice Ligorio, Fedela Feldia Loperfido, Nadia Sansone

Abstract: Recent learning sciences literature proposes to conceive learning as changes in the learner’s identity trajectory. In this paper, we use the analysis of dialogical positioning as a method to track ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Blended learning, Chronotopes, Dialogical learning, Identity trajectory, Polyphony

Citation: Ligorio, B., Lopez, F. F., & Sansone, N. (2013) Dialogical positions as a method of understanding identity trajectories in a collaborative blended university course. ijcscl 8 (3), pp. 351-367

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-013-9174-3

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF ligorio_loperfido_sansone_8_3.pdf

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