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Articles of Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2017

[-]Frameworks for mass collaboration, adaptable scripts, complex systems theory, and collaborative writing

Authors: Sten Ludvigsen, Nancy Law, Carolyn P. Rose, Gerry Stahl

Introduction: In computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) and in the learning sciences, many of the terms used to conceptualize learning activities and actions originated from the concept of communities of ...  [full article]

Citation: Ludvigsen, S., Law, N., Rose, C.P. et al. (2017) Frameworks for mass collaboration, adaptable scripts, complex systems theory, and collaborative writing. ijcscl 12 (2), pp. 127-131

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9257-7

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[-]Joint interactions in large online knowledge communities: The A3C framework

Authors: Heisawn Jeong, Ulrike Cress, Johannes Moskaliuk, Joachim Kimmerle

Abstract: Social interaction is crucial for understanding individual and collective processes in knowledge communities. We describe how technology has changed the way people interact in large communities. ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Online knowledge communities, attendance, coordination, cooperation, collaboration, joint interaction

Citation: Jeong, H., Cress, U., Moskaliuk, J. et al. (2017) Joint interactions in large online knowledge communities: The A3C framework. ijcscl 12 (2), pp. 133-151

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9256-8

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[-]Adaptable scripting to foster regulation processes and skills in computer-supported collaborative learning

Authors: Xinghua Wang, Ingo Kollar, Karsten Stegmann

Abstract: Collaboration scripts have repeatedly been implemented in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) to facilitate collaboration processes and individual learning. However, finding the right ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), Collaboration scripts, Self-regulated learning (SRL), Co—Regulation, Shared regulation Adaptability

Citation: Wang, X., Kollar, I. & Stegmann, K. (2017) Adaptable scripting to foster regulation processes and skills in computer-supported collaborative learning. ijcscl 12 (2), pp. 153-172

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9254-x

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[-]Life history of a topic in an online discussion: a complex systems theory perspective on how one message attracts class members to create meaning collaboratively

Authors: Jane S. Vogler, Diane L. Schallert, Michelle E. Jordan, Kwangok Song, Anke J. Z. Sanders, Yueh-hui Yan Te Chiang, Ji-Eun Lee, Jeongbin Hannah Park, Li-Tang Yu

Abstract: Complex adaptive systems theory served as a framework for this qualitative study exploring the process of how meaning emerges from the collective interactions of individuals in a synchronous online ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Computer-supported collaborative learning, Complex adaptive systems, Online discourse, Meaning making

Citation: Vogler, J.S., Schallert, D.L., Jordan, M.E. et al. (2017) Life history of a topic in an online discussion: a complex systems theory perspective on how one message attracts class members to create meaning collaboratively. ijcscl 12 (2), pp. 173-194

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9255-9

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[-]All in good time: knowledge introduction, restructuring, and development of shared opinions as different stages in collaborative writing

Authors: Joachim Kimmerle, Johannes Moskaliuk, Dieter Brendle, Ulrike Cress

Abstract: When learners collaborate with each other in order to elaborate on a particular subject, this collaboration may be influenced by the differing perspectives the learners have on the topic. There has ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Collaboration, Collaborative writing, Knowledge, Media violence, Opinions, Secondary school

Citation: Kimmerle, J., Moskaliuk, J., Brendle, D. et al. (2017) All in good time: knowledge introduction, restructuring, and development of shared opinions as different stages in collaborative writing. ijcscl 12 (2), pp. 195-213

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-017-9258-6

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