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Articles of Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2006

[-]ijCSCL — a Journal for Research in CSCL

Authors: Gerry Stahl, Friedrich Hesse

Introduction: The launch of the International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL) is a propitious step forward for the CSCL community: It heralds a transition of the field to a new level ...  [full article]

Citation: Stahl, G. & Hesse, F. (2006) ijCSCL — a Journal for Research in CSCL. ijcscl 1 (1)

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-006-7867-6

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF stahl_hesse_1_1.pdf

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[-]The CSCL community in its first decade: development, continuity, connectivity

Authors: Andrea Kienle, Martin Wessner

Abstract: Ten years of international CSCL conferences (1995–2005) provide an occasion to reflect on the formation of the CSCL community. Based on quantitative analysis of conference proceedings, lists of ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: CSCL community, Community analysis, Citation analysis, Social network analysis, Continuity of participation

Citation: Kienle, A. & Wessner, M. (2006) The CSCL Community in its First Decade: Development, Continuity, Connectivity. ijcscl 1 (1)

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-006-6843-5

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF kienle_wessner_1_1.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.

[-]A relational, indirect, meso-level approach to CSCL design in the next decade

Authors: Chris Jones, Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Berner Lindström

Abstract: This paper reviews some foundational issues that we believe will affect the progress of CSCL over the next ten years. In particular, we examine the terms technology, affordance, and infrastructure ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: CSCL, Networked learning, Affordances, Infrastructure, Meso-level, Ethics, Indirect design

Citation: Jones, C., Dirckinck-Holmfeld L. & Lindström, B. (2006) A relational, indirect, meso-level approach to CSCL design in the next decade. ijcscl 1 (1)

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-006-6841-7

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF jones_holmfeld_lindstroem_1_1.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.

Errata: The affiliation for C. Jones was incorrectly printed. He is at the Open University and his email is The following reference was inadvertently dropped: "Lefebvre, H. (1991). The Production of Space. Oxford, Blackwell."

[-]Students assessing their own collaborative knowledge building

Authors: Eddy Y. C. Lee, Carol K. K. Chan, Jan van Aalst

Abstract: We describe the design of a knowledge-building environment and examine the role of knowledge-building portfolios in characterizing and scaffolding collaborative inquiry. Our goal is to examine ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Knowledge building, Assessment, Portfolios, Collaborative inquiry, Asynchronous networked environment

Citation: Lee, E. Y. C., Chan, C. K. K., & van Aalst, J. (2006) Students assessing their own collaborative knowledge building. ijCSCL 1 (1)

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-006-6844-4

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF lee_chan_aalst_1_1.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.

[-]Situating CoWeb: a scholarship of application

Authors: Jochen Rick, Mark Guzdial

Abstract: Since 1998, we have been developing and researching CoWeb, a version of Wiki designed to support collaborative learning. In this article, we summarize our results of situating CoWeb across the ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Design-based research, Scholarship of application, WikiWikiWeb, CoWeb, Multimedia, Media theory, Culture of the classroom

Citation: Rick, J. & Guzdial, M. (2006) Situating CoWeb: a scholarship of application. ijcscl 1 (1)

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-006-6842-6

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF rick_guzdial_1_1.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.

[-]R-U-Typing-2-Me? Evolving a chat tool to increase understanding in learning activities

Authors: Hugo Fuks, Mariano Pimentel, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena

Abstract: Very often, when using a chat tool where more than one participant is talking simultaneously, it is difficult to follow the conversation, read all the different messages and work out who is talking ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Chat, 3C collaboration, Groupware Development Process, LMS

Citation: Fuks H., Pimentel M. & Pereira de Lucena C. J. (2006) R-U-Typing-2-Me? Evolving a chat tool to increase understanding in learning activities. ijcscl 1 (1)

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-006-6845-3

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF fuks_pimentel_lucena_1_1.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.

Errata: The prepublication version of this article is missing some of the chat log data; please visit the Springer site for a complete version.

[-]A dialogic understanding of the relationship between CSCL and teaching thinking skills

Author: Rupert Wegerif

Abstract: How to teach flexible thinking and learning skills, particularly creativity and the skill of “learning to learn,” is a key concern for CSCL in the context of the emerging Networked ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Creativity, Dialogic, Learning to learn, Theory, Thinking skills

Citation: Wegerif, R. (2006) A dialogic understanding of the relationship between CSCL and teaching thinking skills. ijcscl 1 (1)

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-006-6840-8

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF wegerif_1_1.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.