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Article of Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2020

Finding a place for equity in CSCL: ambitious learning practices as a lever for sustained educational change

Authors: Suraj Uttamchandani, Ayesha Bhimdiwala, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver

Abstract: In their discussion of the future of CSCL, Wise and Schwarz (2017) point to a considerable tension regarding the role of CSCL research in educational change. Critiquing CSCL’s engagement with educational change, they primarily understand change as a matter of scalability and sustainability. Their conciliator character points to design-based research, meta-analyses, research-practice partnerships, and longitudinal research as needed to further connect CSCL with the goal of educational change. In alignment with Hod et al.’s (2018) response to this provocation, we agree that educational change can and should be a central aspirational goal of the CSCL community in the coming decade. However, to the conciliator’s list, we add that centering equity will promote research that that can make a difference. Recognizing that educational equity has multiple, and sometimes contradictory, meanings (Gutiérrez 2009; Nasir 2020; Uttamchandani 2018), we think about equity as a tool to attend to how historical social inequality affects the lived learning experiences of people, focusing not just on equitable outcomes but also processes of learning that empower learners to become authors of their own futures (Gutiérrez and Jurow 2016).

Citation: Uttamchandani, S., Bhimdiwala, A. & Hmelo-Silver, C. E. (2020) Finding a place for equity in CSCL: ambitious learning practices as a lever for sustained educational change. ijcscl 15 (3), pp. 373-382

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-020-09325-3

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