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Article of Volume 15, Issue 2, June 2020

Talking about group (but not individual) process aids group performance

Authors: Deanna Kuhn, Noel Capon, Hueiyi Lai

Abstract: The discourse of small groups of 3–4 adults enrolled in a graduate business course was audio-recorded as they participated in a computer-supported simulation in which the group represented a firm and worked over a series of eight sessions in making a series of decisions. Discourse transcripts were analyzed using a coding scheme that classified utterances expressed during group interaction as types of topic-talk (constituting a part of the activity itself) vs. meta-talk (reflecting on the activity). Supporting our hypothesis regarding the importance of meta-level discourse about group process in a group’s achieving coordinated action and a successful outcome, analysis suggested that discourse about the group’s process, but not discourse about individuals’ actions, was associated with superior group outcomes.

Keywords: Group process, Collaboration, Discourse, Metacognition

Citation: Kuhn, D., Capon, N. & Lai, H. (2020) Talking about group (but not individual) process aids group performance. ijcscl 15 (2), pp. 179-192

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-020-09321-7

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