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Article of Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2016

Cultural ways of constructing knowledge: the role of identities in online group discussions

Author: Murat Öztok

Abstract: Learning scientists and the CSCL community have argued that knowledge construction is a process of collective thinking; a process that is simultaneously personal and social that requires group cognition. However, while CSCL researchers have investigated situated knowledge in the process of collective thinking, little work has been done to fully understand how different identification categories play a role in sense-making and knowledge construction. This research, therefore, explores in detail how individuals operationalize identification categories when they engage in group discussions in online learning environments. Results demonstrate that individuals do not experience online learning through only one aspect of their identity. Rather, learning experiences evoke different elements of their identities that are used continuously and simultaneously when they collaborate with each other in the phases of knowledge construction.

Keywords: Identification.Group work.Online discussions.Knowledge construction.Identity, Case studies, Culture

Citation: Öztok, M. (2016) Cultural ways of constructing knowledge: the role of identities in online group discussions. ijcscl 11 (2), pp. 157-186

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-016-9233-7

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF oeztok_11_2.pdf

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