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Article of Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2011

An information-processing perspective on divergence and convergence in collaborative learning

Author: Robert L. Jorczak

Abstract: This paper presents a model of collaborative learning that takes an information processing perspective of learning by social interaction. The collaborative information processing model provides a theoretical basis for understanding learning principles associated with social interaction and explains why peer-to-peer discussion is potentially more effective than instructor-student discussion. The model explains information divergence as a key process for collaborative learning and information convergence as a key group process for addressing specific learning outcomes.

Keywords: Learning, Collaboration, Information processing, CSCL, Divergence, Convergence, Collaborative learning, Cooperative learning, Social interaction, Online discussion, Group learning, Learning theory

Citation: Jorczak, R. L. (2011) An information-processing perspective on divergence and convergence in collaborative learning. ijcscl 6 (2), pp. 207-221

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-010-9104-6

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF jorczak_6_2.pdf

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