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Articles of Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2014

[-]Analyzing roles of individuals in small-group collaboration processes

Authors: Gerry Stahl, Nancy Law, Ulrike Cress, Sten Ludvigsen

Introduction: The papers in this issue present innovative approaches to analyzing the roles of individuals in small-group collaborations supported by computer technologies. In reading these articles, you may find ...  [full article]

Citation: Stahl, G., Law, N., Cress, U., & Ludvigsen, S. (2014) Analyzing roles of individuals in small-group collaboration processes. ijcscl 9 (4), pp. 365-370

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9204-9

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[-]Toward collaboration sensing

Authors: Bertrand Schneider, Roy Pea

Abstract: We describe preliminary applications of network analysis techniques to eye-tracking data collected during a collaborative learning activity. This paper makes three contributions: first, we visualize ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Collaborative learning, Dual eye-tracking, Network analysis

Citation: Schneider, B. & Pea, R. (2014) Toward collaboration sensing. ijcscl 9 (4), pp. 371-395

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9202-y

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[-]Different leaders: Emergent organizational and intellectual leadership in children’s collaborative learning groups

Authors: Emma M. Mercier, Steven E. Higgins, Laura da Costa, Paul A. Kirschner

Abstract: This paper presents two studies that examine emergent leadership in children’s collaborative learning groups. Building on research that finds that leadership moves are distributed among group ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Emergent Roles, Leadership, Multi-touch Tables, Collaborative Learning, Interactive Surfaces, CSCL

Citation: Mercier, E. M., Higgins, S. E., da Costa, L., & Kirschner, P. A. (2014) Different leaders: Emergent organizational and intellectual leadership in children’s collaborative learning groups. ijcscl 9 (4), pp. 397-432

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9201-z

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF mercier_higgins_costa_9_4.pdf

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[-]“Newbies” and “Celebrities”: Detecting social roles in an online network of teachers via participation patterns

Authors: H. Smith Risser, SueAnn Bottoms, Yawen Yu

Abstract: The advent of social networking tools allows teachers to create online networks and share information. While some virtual networks have a formal structure and defined boundaries, many do not. These ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Blog communities, Participation, K-12 Teachers

Citation: Smith Risser, H., Bottoms, S., & Yu, Y. (2014) “Newbies” and “Celebrities”: Detecting social roles in an online network of teachers via participation patterns. ijcscl 9 (4), pp. 433-450

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9197-4

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF risser_bottoms_9_4.pdf

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[-]“I guess my question is”: What is the co-occurrence of uncertainty and learning in computer-mediated discourse?

Authors: Michelle E. Jordan, An-Chih Janne Cheng, Diane Schallert, Kwangok Song, SoonAh Lee, Yangjoo Park

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to contribute to a better understanding of learning in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments by investigating the co-occurrence of uncertainty ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Learning theory, Computer-mediated discourse, Hybrid course, Uncertainty

Citation: Joran, M. E., Cheng, A.-C. J., Schallert, D., Song, K., Lee, S., & Park, Y. (2014) “I guess my question is”: What is the co-occurrence of uncertainty and learning in computer-mediated discourse?. ijcscl 9 (4), pp. 451-475

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-014-9203-x

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF jordan_cheng_schallert_song_lee_park_9_4.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.