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Articles of Volume 15, Issue 4, December 2020

[-]The richness of CSCL environments

Author: Ulrike Cress

Introduction: It has been a year of transition and challenge for the journal and we are excited to bring you the fourth edition of 2020. This fourth issue of the International Journal of Computer-Supported ...  [full article]

Citation: Cress, U. (2020) The richness of CSCL environments. ijcscl 15 (4), pp. 383-388

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-020-09335-1

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF cress_15_4.pdf

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[-]Give student ideas a larger stage: support cross-community interaction for knowledge building

Authors: Jianwei Zhang, Guangji Yuan, Maria Bogouslavsky

Abstract: This study explores boundary-crossing interaction between two grade 5/6 science classrooms that operated as knowledge building communities. The two classrooms studied human body systems with the ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Cross-community interaction, Epistemic boundary objects, Knowledge building communities, Learning across levels, Rise above

Citation: Zhang, J., Yuan, G. & Bogouslavsky, M. (2020) Give student ideas a larger stage: support cross-community interaction for knowledge building. ijcscl 15 (4), pp. 389-410

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-020-09332-4

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[-]Students’ multimodal knowledge practices in a makerspace learning environment

Authors: Anu Kajamaa, Kristiina Kumpulainen

Abstract: In this study, we aim to widen the understanding of how students’ collaborative knowledge practices are mediated multimodally in a school’s makerspace learning environment. Taking a sociocultural ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Knowledge practices, Mediation, Multimodal, Makerspace, Learning environment

Citation: Kajamaa, A. & Kumpulainen, K. (2020) Students’ multimodal knowledge practices in a makerspace learning environment. ijcscl 15 (4), pp. 411-444

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-020-09337-z

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF kajamaa_kumpulainen_15_4.pdf

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[-]Social practices in teacher knowledge creation and innovation adoption: a large-scale study in an online instructional design community for inquiry learning

Authors: María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, Luis P. Prieto, Tobias Ley, Ton de Jong, Denis Gillet

Abstract: Social practices are assumed to play an important role in the evolution of new teaching and learning methods. Teachers internalize knowledge developed in their communities through interactions with ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Online communities, Learning design, Social practices, Knowledge appropriation model, Digital traces, Inquiry-based learning

Citation: Rodríguez-Triana, M. J., Prieto, L. P., Ley, T., Jong, T. d. & D. Gillet (2020) Social practices in teacher knowledge creation and innovation adoption: a large-scale study in an online instructional design community for inquiry learning. ijcscl 15 (4), pp. 445-467

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-020-09331-5

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[-]Gaze awareness and metacognitive suggestions by a pedagogical conversational agent: an experimental investigation on interventions to support collaborative learning process and performance

Author: Yugo Hayashi

Abstract: Research on collaborative learning has revealed that peer-collaboration explanation activities facilitate reflection and metacognition and that establishing common ground and successful coordination ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Collaborative learning, Social awareness, Metacognitive suggestions, Visible gaze feedback, Pedagogical conversational agent

Citation: Hayashi, Y. (2020) Gaze awareness and metacognitive suggestions by a pedagogical conversational agent: an experimental investigation on interventions to support collaborative learning process and performance. ijcscl 15 (4), pp. 4

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-020-09333-3

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF hayashi_15_4.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.

[-]A review of the International Handbook of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2021

Author: Jeremy Roschelle

Abstract: The arrival of a major new handbook on CSCL, the International Handbook of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2020 (Cress et al. in press-a) is clearly a landmark for this approximately ...  [full abstract]

Citation: Roschelle, J. (2020) A review of the International Handbook of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2021. ijcscl 15 (4), pp. 499-505

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-020-09336-0

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF roschelle_15_4.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.