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Articles of Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2018

[-]Multiple forms of regulation and coordination across levels in educational settings

Authors: Sten Ludvigsen, Ulrike Cress, Nancy Law, Gerry Stahl, Carolyn P. Rosé

Introduction: All four papers in this issue of ijCSCL problematize collaborative processes, as they play out differently depending on contextual factors. This problematization is related to three areas: 1) ...  [full article]

Citation: Ludvigsen, S., Cress, U., Law, N. et al. (2018) Multiple forms of regulation and coordination across levels in educational settings. ijcscl 13 (1), pp. 1-6

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-018-9274-1

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[-]Using technological functions on a multi-touch table and their affordances to counteract biases and foster collaborative problem solving

Authors: Inga M. Bause, Irina R. Brich, Ann-Katrin Wesslein, Friedrich W. Hesse

Abstract: Touch technologies have become ubiquitous, motivating researchers to explore their potential - especially in collaborative scenarios. Studies on collaboration using joint visual spaces like ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Collaboration, Collaborative problem solving, Computer support, Intuitive use, Prior preferences, Biases

Citation: Bause, I.M., Brich, I.R., Wesslein, A-K. et al. (2018) Using technological functions on a multi-touch table and their affordances to counteract biases and foster collaborative problem solving. ijcscl 13 (1), pp. 7-33

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-018-9271-4

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF bause_brich_wesslein_hesse_13_1.pdf

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[-]Exploring college English language learners’ self and social regulation of learning during wiki-supported collaborative reading activities

Authors: You Su, Yanyan Li, Hening Hu, Carolyn P. Rosé

Abstract: Students’ regulation has been conceptualized as an important impetus for effective and efficient collaborative learning. However, little empirical evidence has been reported about language ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Self-regulated learning, Social regulation of learning, Process mining, English as a foreign language

Citation: Su, Y., Li, Y., Hu, H. et al. (2018) Exploring college English language learners’ self and social regulation of learning during wiki-supported collaborative reading activities. ijcscl 13 (1), pp. 35-60

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-018-9269-y

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF su_li_hu_rose_13_1.pdf

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[-]Learning to monitor and regulate collective thinking processes

Authors: Marcela Borge, Yann Shiou Ong, Carolyn P. Rosé

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework to guide the design of a computer-supported collaborative learning intervention to help students learn how to improve collaborative knowledge building ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Assessment, Collective regulation, Discussion quality, Online collaboration, Online learning, Socio-metacognition, System design

Citation: Borge, M., Ong, Y.S. & Rosé, C.P. (2018) Learning to monitor and regulate collective thinking processes. ijcscl 13 (1), pp. 61-92

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-018-9270-5

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF borge_ong_rose_13_1.pdf

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[-]Connecting levels of activity with classroom network technology

Author: Tobin White

Abstract: Classroom activity traditionally takes one of three forms, variously oriented toward the levels of individual students, small groups, or the whole class. CSCL systems, however, may enable novel ways ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Mathematics, Classroom networks, Sociocultural theory, Classroom orchestration

Citation: White, T. (2018) Connecting levels of activity with classroom network technology. ijcscl 13 (1), pp. 93-122

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-018-9272-3

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF white_13_1.pdf

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[-]One framework to rule them all? Carrying forward the conversation started by Wise and Schwarz

Author: Nikol Rummel

Abstract: In this brief squib, I take up the first of the provocations put forward by Wise and Schwarz in their recent article and make an attempt to spark further discussion. Specifically, I argue that ...  [full abstract]

Keywords: Computer-supported collaborative learning, Taxonomy of support dimensions, CSCL support framework

Citation: Rummel, N. (2018) One framework to rule them all? Carrying forward the conversation started by Wise and Schwarz. ijcscl 13 (1), pp. 123-129

DOI: 10.1007/s11412-018-9273-2

Preprint: Acrobat-PDF rummel_13_1.pdf

About this article at [] including a link to the official electronic version.